Kiefer Sutherland Faces 18-Days In Jail

24 star Kiefer Sutherland is heading to jail after pleading no contest to a DUI charge in Los Angeles yesterday, reports TMZ.

The website is reporting that Sutherland, who did not attend the court appearance in person, will serve 18 days for violating probation, plus an additional 30 days for the DUI (Driving under the influence) charge.

However, the judge has yet to to hand down his sentence, with the sentencing hearing not scheduled until December 21.

The charge is Sutherland's second DUI charge. In 2004 the actor pleaded no contest to a DUI charge and was placed on five years probation.

The 40-year-old actor was arrested in Los Angeles last month, charged with two counts of DUI, after reportedly blowing more than .16 in a breathaliser test - twice the legal limit.

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